Monday, June 1, 2009

awwwww man

did 634 miles in may getting ready for the mammoth trip and im beat. did our old SCV loop with some of my oldest riding buddies the other day to help push me up there. 42 miles and 3000 feet of climbing. it totally kicked my ass. something tells me i have to rethink my training as i seem to be getting more tired! im going faster but im just wrecked as well.... i suppose the highpoint of all this is that i was way more comfortable and strong at the end then most of the others, more or less at least!!!!!!!

we shall see how june works out!


  1. stuff i'm sure you already know, recovery is just as important riding. if you can do one hard week then one a little harder. the third week back off the mileage/time a bit to recover. then build again for the next two weeks, then a recovery week. i think i have done ~250, 300, 300 in the last 3 weeks, going easy this week. i also won a race at warner center last weekend and was 7th in a pro race on sunday

  2. yup.... just have to be a bit smarter about all of this and stop panicking! gonna go easy during the week and do the SB run this weekend.
